The following according to data collected by Med Fools are the most IMG friendly specialties that you could apply to: Whether you are applying to IMG friendly family medicine residency programs or any others you will want to ensure that your dean’s letter will make your application stand out. What Specialties Are Filled by IMG Applicants? It cannot, however, replace your letters of recommendation as they are separate letters that should be sent to support your application. Your MSPE is a necessary part of your application along with your ECFMG status report, personal statement, and letters of recommendation. Is MSPE Necessary for IMG Applications and Can it Be Used as a Letter of Recommendation? Limit the length of the MSPE to 7 pages in 12pt font, single spaced.To place comparative data in the main body of the letter not in appendices.Limit noteworthy characteristics to just three.Change unique characteristics to noteworthy characteristics.AAMC Recommendations for MSPE changes include all of these: So you will need to check that any sample MSPE for IMG that you look at meets the new requirements. They have recently made changes to the requirements of the MSPE. The medical school performance evaluation is done through the guidance of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Individual grades for your basic sciences.So your MSPE will not include things such as: After all, you are expected to also submit your exam results, resume, personal statement and a host of other information. The MSPE is not a document that will cover everything about you in total detail.

What Is Not Covered Within the MSPE Dean’s Letter IMG Medical school information: this section provides the information covering the specific program that you have followed within the school and other school data.Summary: this section will summarize your performance and compare you to your peers.Academic progress: this is one of the most important parts of the letter and will contain evaluations of your rotations, preclinical and basic science coursework.

The Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE), formally called the Dean’s Letter, is a vital part of your residency application. How Important Is MSPE for IMG and What Is It?